SofTec Microsystems Additional Components .

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I was looking for the Software "SofTec Microsystems Additional Components" and looks like page is not available any more. I´m using a board from Softec Microsystems:

-EVB9S08DZ60 -MCUS08DZ60 (Freescale)

According to datasheet, drivers and a plug-in for Code Warrior are included into that software package, so the question is: Where can I get it?

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (329k points)

It's not possible to download the components because they're found on a CD-ROM that is shipped with your purchase of the boards. I have tried to download them from 3rd party websites, but it was impossible. I have also checked the PDF manuals and the same instructions were posted. Since I've seen this on Element14, I recommend you post on their forums. It's possible for other members to send you a link with the components.


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