Graph vertical scaling.

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We are running FloZF 4 with a Measurement Computing USB-1208LS DAC. A DAC port is differentially configured and is connected to a 1volt integrator output from a Fluorometer. Though we select a lower voltage range (i.e. +- 2 volt), our vertical scale upon 'Start Acquire' is always restricted to 20 volts max. We therefore see only a tiny wiggle near the baseline. Is there a way to change the vertical scaling to better display our waveform?

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (329k points)

There is a manual in PDF format which you can use to learn how to configure and work with the application. I recommend to download it on your computer using the link below. I have searched for what you asked, but no result was available.

Note: Adobe Reader or a compatible PDF reader is necessary in order to open the file properly.

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