What's the use of Etdware PS2 x86? Should I remove it? I don't know how it got downloaded.

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asked by (140 points) about ETDWare PS2
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2 Answers

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answered by (100k points)
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It seems that the software installed on your computer is related to the Touchpad and provides good functionality of it. Removing this application will also remove the possibility to customize the ways of interacting with your touchpad regarding motion, gestures, zooming, automatic update, etc. Please keep in mind that you will not lose the functionality of your touchpad, just the extra configuration options and if you really don't need it then it's safe to be removed.

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It is probbly the source of problems for the Samsung New Series 9 Smart laptop ? On this model (shows like the Apple Aero) the mousepad functions are erratic, the right-click for exemple seems to work sometimes and sometimes not. Same prbl with external mouse in..

It is to try ..

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