Old Print Shop disc with Windows 7.

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Sir, I have an old Print Shop Deluxe (Windows 95 an windows 3.1) This has served me well and I have a few discs I have stored data on to use with this. I have a new computer using windows 7 now, and can no longer load, using the P/Shop Programe disc. If I purchased the latst version will I still be able to use the data stored on the cds. ?

Thank you, Rick Barratt.

1 Answer

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answered by (100k points)

If you acquire a new and updated version of the software you will be able to use the data stored on the CDs except the program stored because Windows 7 is an advanced operating system which has low compatibility with these older versions of the Windows. Emulating the software using the compatibility mode will not help you at all because although you manage to get the software running, you will encounter errors which will most likely disturb your work.

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