Old software on Windows 10.

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asked by about Unlocking The Bible Codes
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How can I run my Unlocking The Bible Codes software on Windows 10?

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (329k points)

You can't run the application on Windows 10, because it's not compatible with. Based on the information I have found, the software is compatible with the following versions of Windows:

  • Windows XP
  • Windows NT
  • Windows 98
  • Windows 95

You can try to apply a compatibility tweak, but it's not guaranteed that it will work on Windows 10. If you have the setup package, right click it and select Properties > Compatibility. Choose Windows XP Service Pack 3 from the list and then tick the Run as Administrator option. Launch the application and follow its installation instructions if it works.

To find additional information, contact the developers: bible@biblelandshop.com

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answered by

to run on Windows higher than 7 a patch fix is used and there a FLIP from xp to vista its the coding reader / i need a new copy i had V1 ? i will pay

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