CreataCard for Windows 10.

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asked by about American Greetings Corporation CreataCard Gold
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Is there an American Greetings CreataCard that will work with Windows 10??

8 Answers

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No avatar answered by (329k points)
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No, the application is not working in Windows 10 because the latest version was released with compatibility for Windows XP only. In Windows 10, you have to install a virtualization product and then install XP in that environment to launch the software.

You can apply a compatibility tweak on the setup package using right-click on file then Properties > Compatibility > Windows XP Service Pack 3. This is the only way to attempt a possible launch in Windows 10 operating system.

commented by (140 points)
I ran CreataCard 3 on windows 10, with no virtual machine.
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what does virtualization product mean dont understand does that mean when i go to load it from dvd i find setup .exe right click Properties > Compatibility > Windows XP Service Pack 3.

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I have Windows 10 with latest updates and used my Creat-a-card Gold 7 for my 2017 Christmas letter and picture col age. Worked great and flawlessly. Better than ever actually with those two items. It is obviously outdated but sure did what I wanted it to do.. Surprised me but as long as it does what I want it to do, I am happy. I originally bought it for my XP and then used it with Win 7. I have not had to do anything to get it to work other than maybe reinstall from the disk last year.

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I have create a card gold 8 and cannot get it to download on windows 10. help please

commented by (140 points)
It should work on windows 10, since the 3.0 works on windows 10.

I don't own a copy of version 8 gold so I can't be much of help besides saying a older version can work so I don't see why a newer version wouldn't.
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I used to use createacard gold 3 on an old 98 PC now have a win 7 and win 10 Microsoft laptop and need to the same program. even if via virtual download is it possible? or a program extremely similar, please.

commented by (140 points)
Now days you don't need a Virtual Machine to run old programs, I mean sure you still need to download a program to run a old program but they're much simpler than a virtual machine.

I have made a tutorial on how to install it on windows 10.
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Yes, The CreataCard 3 Gold Works on Windows 10. Tutorial:

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answered by (140 points)
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Yes, CreataCard 3.0 Gold and above should work on Windows 10.

I use 3.0 Gold on Windows 10.

Since 3.0 works on Windows 10, I'd assume anything above 3.0 should work. I did try CreataCard Plus and it didn't work.

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I have Gold 8 working on Windows 10 but can't seem to be able to register it with Broderbund to be able to get more card projects than the few that came on the original 2 disk set.

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