Resetting password

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asked by about HP SimplePass
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HP SimplePass requires me to reconfirm my Windows password before I can get access to my laptop. I cannot remember this password. Where will I find this or reset it?

3 Answers

0 votes
answered by (264k points)

HP have recommended two ways to deal with this:

I believe you will have to use the first option since you don't have access to the system to tweak the settings.

0 votes
answered by (140 points)

Go to programs and open hp simple pass app and select forget password it will ask security question set by user(you), answer it then create a new one.

(or) Go to device manager (or) control panel and uninstall program from programs and features
and reinstall it.

0 votes
answered by

I can't get into my computer as it want simplePass. I have a small pass word of four numbers that I used on a small screen which opened my laptop but now after putting the four number it does not open but lead me to a simplepass screen to enter new password and confirm new password. All that I have tried it says simplePass could not validate password

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