I am using 4 x 12V silver calcium batteries in series to provide 48V to a Synapse 4+ inverter. Watchpower software registers 54V but shows 0% on battery capacity. This happens on all three battery settings: AGM, Flooded and User. Please assist.
The only thing close to documentation is a user guide manual posted on the official website. In the document you will find instructions and information on how to operate the software properly in order to display the values you need.
Download manual: http://fs.opti-ups.com.tw/Download/Solar_Manual/WatchPower_manual.pdf
Follow the instructions properly, and the software will display what you need with correct values.
Hi, this may help. I had the same problem with the older version of Watchpower 1.05 Since upgrading to 1.09 the Battery capacity window works.