We just switched to Windows 10 and were told that EasyDent 4 Viewer was not compatible and would like to know if there is something we can do to make it compatible?
Ignore the compatibility issue and right click the setup package then go to Properties > Compatibility. Choose a Windows version that you know it's compatible and then tick the tick the Run as Administrator. Install the application and then download the UPDATE module that enhances the program using the link below.
Update program: http://www.ezdent.com/updates/EZDENTUP.exe
Secondly, contact the developers for support because I can't install the application since I need the password to install it: http://www.ezdent.com/Support.htm
Hi, Please contact me for above problem on my email id apurv.11213@gmail.com. Easydent4 is not compaitable with window 10 . I can provide you upgraded version Vatech software for window 10.