Files are not visible which are locked using Galery Lock lite App.

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asked by about Gallery Lock (Hide pictures)
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I am using Gallery Lock Lite app from last 4 years without any issues, but now from last few days the files are invisible. It shows the folder has 60 files but are invisible. Please guide me how can I unhide or make these files visible?

Device: Samsung Galaxy Ace

1 Answer

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answered by (264k points)

If you can't access files, then it means they're temporary lost. To recover them, start the application then go to Settings > Find/Recover Missing files. Wait for the application to finish the scanning procedure. You can then find the files in /mnt/sdcard/DCIM/recover.

This is the official way to recover the lost/deleted/corrupted files. For additional information contact the developer at the following email address:

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