Scoring to show the contract and not just the result.

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I can find my way around pairs scorer but when I put in a standard Mitchell movement for say 7 tables playing 2 boards x 7 rounds when I come to input the scores I am left will only the end column to fill. The details of the contract and result are greyed out. I have tried everything. What am I missing?

2 Answers

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in the end column you add the details of the contract and the result. You can put in the lead card if you want, but it can be omitted. If you press help button when the cursor is in the end column you can see how to input the results. (eg would be 3n=n c - 3NT making 9 by N Lead C, 2H-1w s - 2 hearts by W making 7 spade lead, 4s+2e 9h - 4 spades by e making 12 lead 9 hearts Hope that helps

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answered by (264k points)
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There is an official website for the application which provides all the necessary instructions related to the way the scoring works. There are plenty of User Documents that can be used for this procedure. I have seen users on other websites who had issues with the application, and they were also instructed to access the documents since there are many examples.

Users documents:

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