I want to build my own website. Which software package do I need to purchase?

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2 Answers

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answered by (100k points)
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If you want to build a website you can use any HTML editor available. In case you want a more advanced editor with additional capabilities and features then I can recommend Adobe Dreamweaver. It has support for almost all coding languages including HTML, CSS, PHP, ASP, CGI, etc. Except first and second coding languages (HTML, CSS) all the next ones require more advanced knowledge. Using an HTML editor should be enough to code a website due to the WYSIWYG feature which basically uses icons and visual elements to create websites.

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if you to create a website and your are not a developer you can use a open source cms like drupal or joomla . go to drupal.org and download drupal then upload the file to your cpanel . if you want more question you can ask me on my mail admin@weblebhost.com

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