Analyzing failed for Any Video Converter file. How do I fix the failure?
This happens when you're trying to paste a link to a YouTube video. Since there is no known fix, I recommend re-installing the application and then disable all the background programs. If you have an antivirus installed, then you will either have to disable it completely for the time being or add the software to the exclusion list. Sometimes errors are caused by antivirus programs that block some important modules in applications.
For additional help, check the FAQ page provided by the developer with solutions to known problems:
Thanks. Will try these as it worked perfectly on my previous laptop with no special steps taken
Click and Drag the video from Youtube to AVC (instead of copy/paste URL)
None of these solutions work. Not only does it not work for Youtube, it also fails for Facebook/Twitter/ And yes... it says that I have the most recent update in place
Same problem here. ALSO with all local videos (that loaded well on a previous version of AVC!!)