Compatibility with Windows 8.1.

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asked by about HP Image Zone Express
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Is the latest version of HP Image Zone Express available for Windows 8.1? My original copy wouldn't transfer (which I used on Windows 2007), so I need to get another version.

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (329k points)
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HP Image Zone is no longer supported nor available for Windows 7 or Windows 8. The alternatives that you have in order to use this software are:

  1. Run the software in compatibility mode.
  2. Run the software in Windows XP mode through a virtual machine.

If you choose to run HP Image Zone in compatibility mode, then you should find the main .exe file or shortcut you use to launch the application, right click it and select Properties. After the Properties box has opened, click the Compatibility tab, then tick the box labelled Run this program in compatibility mode for and select Windows XP as the program was designed for this version of Windows. If your choice is to run the software in Windows XP mode, you should follow the steps provided in the tutorial available on the following website:

You can install Windows XP on Windows 8 with the help of a virtualization solution. Install VirtualBox and use the following guide to create a virtual machine.

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