Problems sending snaps till many recipient. Is there a recipient limit?

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asked by about Snapchat
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When I set a big number of recipients to a snap I often notice that none of them actually got the snap. Even if it's marked as sent to everyone. I have around 130 Snapchat contacts and I seem to get this problem everytime I send to more than 100 recipients. Is there a limit on recipients or a problem in the app/phone? I use a Galaxy S6.

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (329k points)
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There is no limit of the maximum number of snaps you can send, but the system features a flood prevention system that doesn't allow sending many snaps at the same time. You will have to program your snaps to go at 10 seconds intervals or they won't be sent. Try sending snaps to fewer people. If you use 100 or more, the flood system will activate and prevent your snaps from being delivered.

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