that seems to occur in case of to many files or folders/subfolders.
since now apr. 6hrs teracopy works fine to transfer apr.960GB with apr.
4600 files to an external WD my book drive.apr.202Gb are transfered&teracopy
vers.2.3 works fine.two days ago i`ve tried a folder with apr.300-500 subfolders,260000files,total size apr.260GB to that WD drive.after apr. 1hr
the out of memory error show up.i stop&retry but the same thing happens.
its done.teracopy has transferred 960GB with out any it
s clear:
not the real size of data matters.nor ist the main memory exhausted-i have
outertechs cachemen installed and this shows in taskbar free mem&processor the out of mem stop, my free mem was roughly 1GB over all the time
teracopy doesent also make a matter if win cache&verify in option
menue is enabled or not.i guess it`s a matter of total file numbers,or subfolder numbers.