TeraCopy out of memory

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asked by about TeraCopy
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It says when I try to copy files that it's out of memory. How do I solve this?

2 Answers

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No avatar answered by (309k points)
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Unfortunately, this is a known bug present in the TeraCopy application. It happens when you're trying to copy files higher than 80-100 GB. If you have such files, then it's easier to simply use the built-in Windows copy function or split the filer using an application like HJSplit and then use the TeraCopy application to transfer them from one location to another.

Additionally, you can forward this bug to the Support section provided by the developers of the application: http://support.codesector.com/index.php?/Tickets/Submit

Create a ticket and use the wizard-style interface to finish the procedure.

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that seems to occur in case of to many files or folders/subfolders. since now apr. 6hrs teracopy works fine to transfer apr.960GB with apr. 4600 files to an external WD my book drive.apr.202Gb are transfered&teracopy vers.2.3 works fine.two days ago i`ve tried a folder with apr.300-500 subfolders,260000files,total size apr.260GB to that WD drive.after apr. 1hr the out of memory error show up.i stop&retry but the same thing happens.

P.S.: its done.teracopy has transferred 960GB with out any break.so its clear: not the real size of data matters.nor ist the main memory exhausted-i have outertechs cachemen installed and this shows in taskbar free mem&processor load.at the out of mem stop, my free mem was roughly 1GB over all the time teracopy works.it doesent also make a matter if win cache&verify in option menue is enabled or not.i guess it`s a matter of total file numbers,or subfolder numbers.

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