How to create transparent image background?

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No avatar asked by (850 points) about GIMP
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How to create transparent image background?

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (329k points)

There are two ways you can use to create a transparent background:

  1. Using the Wand tool (fuzzy selector). Simply activate Wand and tap the background area excluding the object you want to keep. Keep doing this until all the background is selected. Press Delete to remove it and save the image as PNG and that's it. 1.1 Tutorial link:

  2. Use the Lasso or Free Select tool. This time, use polygonal selector and start from a point for the object you want to keep. Go round its margins and click each time to create anchors. At the end click the starting point. Press CTRL + X to Cut, then create a blank layer and use Paste. Save as PNG and that's it. 2.2 Tutorial link:

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