After download and install of Avro it does not work.

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asked by about Avro
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My Avro keyboard had some problems. So at first I uninstalled the program and again installed it. But while installing it had shown that "Run anyway", yet ran it and installed it. Now it is installed, but the desktop icon had shown it as 'Shortcut'. Moreover, when I am clicking the icon it has shown the message, "Failed to set data for layout display name". So I decide again to uninstall followed by install. This it has shown that "This program is currently running, so it is not possible to uninstall". In fact, I am confused. I am naive with the computers. Please help to me how to fix my Avro keyboard program in my computer.

4 Answers

0 votes
answered by (264k points)

Uninstall and completely remove the application from your computer, then visit the link below and download the new package.

Install the package, and then launch the toolbar using the Shortcut on your desktop. I have installed it and it works just fine. I recommend installing this package because it has been optimized to work with newer versions of Windows.

Download page:

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answered by

first of all click right button to the avro icon. go to properties. click compatibility. then click "Run this program as an administrator". & last of all click apply. done, enjoy the avro keyboard. :) (Y)

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....Fixed.... ... Ri8 click on it and Run as Administrator

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answered by

Run as administrator is the reason it was not working. thanks a lot

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