Can't find out how to reduce the speed in Musicator

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Long ago, when I first started using Musicator in the early 90s, I could start the metronome and adjust the speed of the music. I could make it slow because I was using it as a backing to play my violin. Then, I could progressively speed it up as I learnt to play faster. After a series of accidents and a few years of "nonplaying", I am back to play again and use Musicator. But now I cannot find out how to slow the tempo. In the help files it is said that to change the tempo, you need to click on the tempo change information, but there is no tempo change information. I am unable to figure out how to change the speed. I remember I had a metronome before and I could set the counts on it and it would effect the speed at which my music and Musicator would play. But now I cannot find how to do this and it just raises to the end regardless of anything I have tried so far. I hope you can help me figure this out.

2 Answers

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No avatar answered by (329k points)
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I have tried obtaining the information related to this inquiry, but nothing have found. The official website only offers the download link and that's it. In this case, the only way to obtain the necessary data is to contact the actual developers.

Use the website: The developers should provide all the tutorials and instructions to you might need.

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That does not work, just goes to a blank page. And after 4 days I still not have been sent a registration code to stop the program from telling me it is only a demo. Unimpressed totally. And you did not check if your link works, it sends me to a blank page. The developer seems to not exist. Last hear of in 2009. I will be asking for my money back if nothing happens soon.

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