Zkteco Attendance management information

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asked by about ZK Attendance Management
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I have installed ZK Attendance Management software on my Windows 7 64 bit OS. After installation, when I open the application, I'm getting an error message like "Class not registered". Can you help me solve this issue?

4 Answers

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No avatar answered by (193k points)
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The problem is caused by the DLL that isn't correctly registered on your computer. I recommend that you run the following command to register all the DLL files using the necessary tool.

To do this, go to Start and type CMD. Right click it and select Run as Administrator. Paste the following command and then wait for its finish: FOR /R C:\ %G IN (*.dll) DO "%systemroot%\system32\regsvr32.exe" /s "%G"

Once the command is finished, run the software again and it should work. Additionally, reinstall it using its setup package.

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No avatar answered by (140 points)

Run Windows Command Prompt and execute the following command

Regsvr32 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\zkemkeeper.dll

Then you will get a message saying that you registered that DLL file successfully.

SysWOW64 is a folder in C:\Windows path, and have all the DLL files required in your program, but you only need to register this zkemkeeper.dll file.

Run Your Exe/Program and test it.

Good luck!

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Go to Start and type CMD. Right click it and select Run as Administrator

Go to the path C:\Windows\SysWOW64\

Enter : Regsvr32 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\zkemkeeper.dll

Run the Attendance Application EXE

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answered by

this command

Regsvr32 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\zkemkeeper.dll

thank you-- solved it

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answered by

I have a problem in downloading attendance log "Dowload Fail"

How do i solve it

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have installed ZK Attendance Management software on my Windows 10 64 bit OS. After installation, when I open the application, I'm getting an error message like "Class not registered". Can you help me solve this issue?

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