How to recover deleted files back in Windows 8?

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I deleted important files and emptied the Recycle Bin. Is it possible to recover my files?

2 Answers

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No avatar answered by (940 points)

When we delete a file and it usually first goes to the Recycle Bin. Once you find yourself accidentally deleted some files, it is easy to get them back if they are still in the Recycle bin. when you emptied the Recycle Bin, deleted files are not gone forever immediately and they're still at some place but the space that they occupied is marked as reusable, and they'll disappear completely once there is new data in. Therefore, make sure that you didn't write new data to the same partition where you deleted those files. Then you have a chance to recover them. A professional data recovery software - EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard can help you out.

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No avatar answered by (329k points)

Yes, it's possible to recover those files, but this only applies for the case where you left the system as it was without copying other files after the deletion. When you copy a file, it will override the cluster with the old data, thus making it impossible to restore the file in 100 % condition.

Install Recuva and select the drive where the files were stored. You can choose a filter as well, but if you don't know the file type, check All Files. After the results appear, use the Search field to narrow down the list.

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