It's very easy to extend the partition on Windows 10. The process is similar to the way you extend partitions in Windows 8.1 or Windows 7. Firstly, right click the This PC icon on desktop and choose Manage. Select Storage then identify the partitions. If you have for example the following partitions and want to increase the size of the C drive, use the steps:
- C: 50 GB
- D: 100 GB
- E: 100 GB
Right click on D and choose Shrink. Input the new size that you want to increase the C partition into the file that says: Free space before the partition. Right click C then go to Expand and select the free space cut from D. Apply all the changes and wait. The process could take from a few minutes to a few hours, depending on how much data is stored on those partitions.
WARNING: Do not attempt to try any partitioning software since Windows 10 hasn't been released yet. Bugs might appear during the operation and you could lose all your data.