Outlook 2003 PPTX attachment is not opened

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No avatar asked by (150 points) about Microsoft Office Outlook
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I have Outlook 2003 and can't open a PPTX attachment. When I double click it, it always asks to save instead of opening it. DOCX files are opened fine. I have the Office 2007 compatibility pack installed. If I save the PPTX file to my desktop, I can open it there, but not if I double click the attachment in the email.

2 Answers

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No avatar answered by (440 points)
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Best answer

Just curious, but if you have office 2003 and 2007 why use outlook 2003, and powerpoint/word/etc 2007?

Check and see where temporary attachments/files from outlook are saved... in registry go to:

hkey_current_user > software > microsoft > office > 11.0 > outlook > security

Check what directory it's set to... you can make a new folder on the hard drive (something like C:\temp) if you want, and change the registry entry to that folder

Otherwise, try saving the powerpoint attachment to your desktop, then right click it and go to properties, check the "Opens with" field and make sure it says powerpoint. I would click change and then locate the actual powerpoint application, it's probably here (depending on your OS):

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office12\powerpnt.exe Use for more PowerPoint Repair Toolbox. The PowerPoint repair tool reads and analyzes the damaged files and exports data the restored data to Microsoft PowerPoint.https://www.repairtoolbox.com/powerpointrepair.html

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No avatar answered by (309k points)
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This happens because Outlook is configured to pass the action to the default programs feature found in Windows. To change this behavior, assign the PPTX to the PowerPoint application directly. You can do it using the instructions below:

  • Windows XP: Start-> Control Panel-> Folder Options-> tab File Types
  • Windows Vista and Windows 7: Start-> Default Programs-> Associate a file type or protocol with a program
  • Windows 8: Start-> type: “Default Programs”-> Associate a file type or protocol with a program

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