Cisco ACL trial information.

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asked by about Cisco ACL Editor and Simulator
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Apparently, this is only a 30 day trial version. How do I obtain a license for a full version and if it incurs any cost, how much would it be?

2 Answers

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No avatar answered by (329k points)

A full license can be obtained after you established a contact with the developer. The version 1 of this software benefits from email support. Version 2 is in development and it will be released when the developer decides. To obtain additional information, I recommend checking the contact form on the official website:

If you download the trial through Software Informer, a key can be obtained through the website above.

0 votes
answered by

Hello , Did this software supported Windows 10 ? I tried to install in Windows 10 but can't working (has install .NET 2).

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