I need information about the unit cost of Aspen Hysys license.

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asked by about Aspen HYSYS
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I need information about the unit cost of Aspen Hysys license. Can you provide some info?

2 Answers

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No avatar answered by (193k points)

This type of applications/systems don't usually have a public price. The price is set based on your location, needs, modules, accessories, custom features, delivery, etc. The only way to acquire a sample price is through contact. Access the website and use the details on the Contact Us page to get in touch with a sales representative. After the discussion a price will be communicated to you.

Contact details:

  • North America: +1-855-882-7736
  • Europe: +44-(0)-1189-226400
  • Singapore: +65 6395 3900
  • Japan: +81 3 3262 1783
  • Korea: +82 2 3779 5811
  • China: +86 10 5924 1502
  • Mexico: +52 55 3600 7249
  • Email: esales@aspentech.com
0 votes
answered by

Good afernoon, i'm from the company Temarry Recycling and i'd like to know how much the Aspen Hysys license costs. I'll be attempting your answers, greetings.

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