I can't set a background on WATDIS.

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asked by about WatDis
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I cannot set the background on WATDIS. I tried the SHP and DXF file types as the background needs to map water supply, but unfortunately, the files won't load. Can you help me? I don't know where the problem may be. The only thing the program reads as background image is IMG file.

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (193k points)

In order to fix the problem, I recommend you update the program to the latest version. After that, launch the software and from the Tools menu select Background image > Manage background images. Click the arrow icon next to + and then select SHP or DXF from the provided list:

enter image description here

Using the window that will open, select the image for your background and press Open. If you still have problems, I recommend you contact the support team using info@transparent-blue.com email address.

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