Missing trigger event.

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asked by about IBR_VCP
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Why does IBR_VCP 2.0 not trigger TApdComport (Delphi source by TurboPower) on a virtual machine (VMWare) using Windows7? IBM_Test does function, even if IBR_VCP is not emulating.

Configuration: IMB-ps2 [F121 020] Switching power supply module IMB-mi8 [F122 028] Interface module IMB-232 [F120 202] Connection for serial ports

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (236k points)

There is no info about this error on any of the websites from the same category. It's possible that the software doesn't support emulation in a virtual environment. However, you should check the Help files because even if you have the software, it appears there is nowhere to be found on the Internet. In some cases, most of the general errors encountered by a user are found in the help file.

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