Working with GREP expressions in Better File Rename.

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asked by about Better File Rename
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I cannot figure out, or find online an example of GREP (Regex?) that will take a "crushed" filename and expand it like this: ThisIsTheCurrentFilename.mp3 and insert a space in front of each capital letter (the ability to IGNORE the first capital would be nice!)

2 Answers

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No avatar answered by (309k points)

I have tried all the possibilities to do exactly as you said for a custom file name, but the software doesn't offer any solution for this request. I mean it doesn't have an option to detect capitalized letters to add a space in front. None of the defined presets offer such renaming feature. You will have to work with the application in another way to add a character in front of each letter, then you can use Better File Rename to replace that character with a space.

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answered by

I just sent an email, with screenshots, of my problem to the makers of "A Better File Rename" asking them to--as a short term solution--provide me with a single GREP expression that I could paste into the "Advanced/Grep" field, to fix my problem,

ie: Convert all selected files to "Title Case" THEN insert a space in front of every Capital letter (except for the first letter in each file name) THEN remove any duplicated spaces.

Hopefully they will reply, otherwise I hope somebody who's a good GREP expert will answer this question. Why the PC version of iTunes does this name-compression routine is a "bug" and Apple isn't talkin'... :-//

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