Interest in the product.

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asked by about Peachtree Premium Accounting for Construction
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We are interested about this product and we hope to have the following questions answered before we finalize the decision to purchase:

  1. Do you charge your clients recurring fees after paying the amount $424.99?

  2. Does the software support proper accounting of materials inventory items transferred to "construction in progress inventory" and "construction in progress inventory" amounts transferred to "finished goods inventory"?

We hope to receive your reply as soon as possible. Thank you very much.

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (193k points)

I don't think anyone around here is the sales representative for the PeachTree products. This is a Q&A forum where users ask questions and receive answers from other users of this community. To be able to find answers to your question, you will have to contact the official developer. However, according to the price information available on the official website, it seems this product is billed yearly. After one year, you will have to buy it again to be eligible for its usage. The new product is called Sage. You will have to contact them to find details about it.

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