How to download the Digital Arts and Crafts Studio if you have lost its CD?

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asked by about Digital Arts and Crafts Studio
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I want to download the Digital Arts and Crafts Studio on my laptop, but I can't because I lost its CD.

2 Answers

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No avatar answered by (193k points)

If you have lost the installation CD, then the software can be downloaded from the official website. Access the page and then scroll down to the linked URL. Click on it and you should be given the possibility to save the application in ZIP format. Use your favorite archive application to unpack the contents. Install it and you'll have the software in your computer. Use the registration info you had to register the copy of the software in case it asks.

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answered by

I have an old Digital Arts and Crafts studio that works good and wanted to use it again for a younger one. Unfortunately CD is broken. I am trying to look how to download and install the DACS cd for L1152/L7926. But no luck so far. Any pointers? I have moved to India, I don't know if there is anything country specific that I am unable to look from here.

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