Cannot download any Yamaha Musicsoft Downloader, because my anti-virus software denies access.

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No avatar asked by (140 points)
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Cannot download any Yamaha Musicsoft Downloader, because my anti-virus software denies access due to virus being detected. What should I do now?

2 Answers

+1 vote
No avatar answered by (10.9k points)
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SI data base does not contain the Direct download link of YAMAHA Musicsoft Downloader. Therefore, in case of any security breach out SI can't warn you.

So what's now?

Firstly, update the virus definition of your anti-virus program and scan it again because some times old definitions show wrong scan results. If it does not help you try some other antivirus program to scan the file like Avast! or Norton.

If doing all of this doesn't change the scan result than the only hope is to contact the Yamaha Support Team. Click HERE to go to the web site.

0 votes
No avatar answered by (193k points)

I have downloaded the application through the official website and there was no sign from my antivirus (Avast Antivirus) regarding a virus infection. I recommend downloading the application from the following URL then you should install it as normal. Ignore the error or false alarms you receive and proceed to its installation.

Download URL:

Scroll down and accept the agreement then click on the button to download it.

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