How to add software?

+1 vote
No avatar asked by (130 points)
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I'm developing 2 applications and would like to add them to your database. How can I do it?

2 Answers

+1 vote
No avatar answered by (10.9k points)
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There are two ways to add your program into the SI database.

The first one is by SI Client. Install the client alongside your program and click on Refresh in the Client. If your program is installed properly and recognized by SI Client, it will automatically add the program into the SI database. We suggest you to register on SI site to be able to provide additional information about your program.

Another way is to submit PAD files for your applications. It will allow you to Upload your program to the SI database.You can find more information here.

0 votes
No avatar answered by (193k points)

If you see on the bottom section on the Software Informer's website, there is a link that leads to a For Developers page. That page was created to meet the needs of developers like you. The second question and answer explains how to add the application to the database of Software Informer. Use the information on that page to see exactly how you can add the applications to the database. There are other questions as well and it's recommended you read them.

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