Full Backup of Windows Mobile.

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No avatar asked by (120 points) about Sprite Backup
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I was trying to install software on my device Motorola MC75A. After few days, the device continuously restores after a warm boot. Is it because this trial or bugs for Windows Mobile?

Our device is: Motorola MC75A and MC70 Motorola MC9090 Motorola MC9190

Our Windows Mobile 6.5 Professional.

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (329k points)

This application is used to move the data from one phone to another. It doesn't have the capability to factory reset the phones or perform any system operations on your phone. If the device restarts and re-installs the ROM continuously, then the problem is with the phone, and not with the software. On the other hand, Windows Mobile isn't so flexible like the available operating systems.

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