When I print my Overdue Letter for students from Library Pro, there appears an error in the printed copy. Rather than printing the overdue books, it prints ".begin_lo" which makes me think something is missing from the code in the letter.
I've copied and pasted below what is listed. Would you be able to tell me if anything is missed after the .begin_lo ?
.report_name:Overdue Letter 98
!setup the header
!setup the columns
!body of report
&PatCity, &PatState &PatZip
Just a friendly reminder that library books are now due back! If you are unable to locate the book and know it to be lost,
or if you're sure it has already been returned, please notify (Teacher) by returning this slip with a note from your parents/guardians (in the space below) or by emailing (Teacher Email).
.col_data:1;Due Date
.col_data:2;Barcode Number
.col_data:4;Amount Due