Duplicate persons in Ancestor Chart - Vertical.

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MyHeritage has Ancestry Charts from Nigel Bufton Software. I have been told by MyHeritage.se to turn to you. I use Family tree Builder 7.0.0. My question is about charts: when I select Charts - Ansestor chart - Vertical and produce a chart I can see the same person in several places (in my case 5 times). This will result in more persons in the chart than in reality. Is there any solution to this?

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (193k points)

It's possible that you have selected multiple databases to be displayed. Go back to the start and initiate the chart process once again, but this time, make sure you have the correct data to display. I am sure that the issue is related to selecting multiple data/databases to be displayed in the chart, databases that have same contacts and information.

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I have only one database. I started again but got the same result. I attached 2 pictures. There are 2 persons that appeares 5 times!: Per Carlsson and his wife Anna Christophersdotter.

1 Picture: Describes how it looks in the Myheritage Family Tree builder V7.0.0. For Per and Anna

3 Pictures: Is the produced Ancestry Chart. Per and Anna are marked in red in the huge PDF file.

enter image description here

I hope this will clarify the problem

Best regards Stig Wiktorsson Stockholm Sweden

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