AlerteGPS 200Neo problems.

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asked by about AlerteGPS G200 Neo
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When I connect my G200 Neo to my desktop, the device says welcome and then locates six satellites fairly quickly (2 to 3 minutes) and then displays the correct time. When I plug the device into the car which is located just 6 feet away, but outside the house of course, the device fails to pick up the satellites, and at best, in 6 minutes only picks up 1 or 2.

The device has not been in use for several months, so prior to commencing re-use of it I downloaded from the latest update, but am slightly suspicious that the update refers to Europe as opposed to the UK, there is no option other than Europe. Might this have something to do with it? When I have the device on in the car, admittedly for only short trips at the moment, max 15 minutes, I get no benefit from it as it is still seeking satellites, so it displays neither the time nor my speed or of course warnings of any cameras. It was not like this 2 years ago when I used it regularly. Does anyone have any suggestions to get it work?

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (309k points)

Most GPS devices have a Settings menu related to GPS and port acquisition. I have encountered this many times and the fix is rather easy. While you are outside, turn on the GPS and connect it to the car then browse to the map. Tap on the GPS area and you will be presented with a menu. Chose Autoconfigure and wait. The GPS will test the baud rate and the satellites it finds. Once they're found, the software will automatically choose the best settings.

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