I need a Colortrac SmartLF 4080 scanner software. Could anyone help me ?

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I need a Colortrac SmartLF 4080 scanner software. Could anyone help me ?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered by (100k points)

Your 4080 scanner belongs to Ci class and, based on the model you are requesting, you need to follow some steps in order to get your scanner working.

  1. Download the drivers for Ci models from here.
  2. Extract the archive and run the executable following the instructions provided by the wizard.
  3. Plug-in the printer into an USB port and wait for drivers to install.
  4. Download SmartWorks Pro which is an essential application and also the solution to your question.
  5. Installing process is similar to the one your previously performed.
0 votes
answered by

Good afternoon, I have a scanner Colortrac SmartLF 4080 to sell.

if you are interested, please contact Paul Gomes - paulo@ivirtual.pt

thank you

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