What are the main programs that Adobe Air runs?

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asked by about Adobe AIR
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I have Adobe Air installed in my computer and I can't remember which program required it to be installed, if any. I've recently performed a deep clean to my laptop, which is quite old so, believe me, any MBs I can save will be precious. I saw another post here about the functionality of Adobe Air and I understand that some programs require this software in order to run properly or at all. However, because I can't remember which lead to the installation, I'd kindly ask you if you could provide me with some examples of programs that require Adobe Air to run and, with or without those programs, which practical advantage does it bring to my laptop? I believe I've never seen it running in my task manager, thus the question about the value of its Installation and which well-known programs do not run without it.

Thank you very much in advance for your patience to read this enormous and probably ignorant question and for the time you kindly took to reply to it.

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (329k points)

There are programs developed using Adobe Air technology. You can find some on the database of Software Informer. I have already linked you to a search result where you can see apps created on this platform. For example, Facebook for Adobe Air is one of them. You can access the application's page to find more about it.

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