answered by anonymous
Install Swiftkey keyboard or any other keyboards. Then you will be able to sort the language problem out.

answered by anonymous
... (go keyboard and arabic for go keyboard)
install it and make it ... you can read and write arabic in bluestacks

answered by anonymous
... solve this problem using virtual Arabic keyboard on the internet, then ... is short
I personnaly use this [arabic keyboard][1]
[1]: http://www.clavier ...

answered by anonymous
download this app (farsi nevis keyboard) and both you and other side that send message must have this app and it will work i test it

answered by anonymous
Bloody stupid Arab, go get a life. It has nothing to do with you being an Arab or Chinese, It's your racism and stupidity that bothers others

Just type what are you need to write into wordpad then copy it and paste any where you want in blue stacks.
اکتب ما تریده فی تطبیق وردپد ، ثم انسخه و الصقه فی ای مکان ترید .

answered by anonymous
... do Mr. Anonymous. If Arabs don't get into technology ... people's problem. I'm an Arab and I get all the help ... I don't know.
Bloody stupid Arab, go get a life. It ... with you being an Arab or Chinese, It's ...

answered by anonymous
you guys are so racist to arabs why there's no employee answered his question?

You cannot write in Arabic because BlueStacks does not have it installed. I suggest you ... language input for your applications.
[1]: ...