I need to make Rietveld analysis

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Thank you for the answer and time.

I added the pattern using "Add user pattern to database". But unfortunately this is not enough. Indeed, I already have reference card in the form of: .hps, .rfl and *.raw. The question is that I want all the values like hkl, d-spacing etc., parameter to be inserted. Therefore, I want to install "original card" to the database of the software. The pattern code is 00-058-0661. But I need to take this to install/insert/add to the software (X'pert highscore) to make Rietveld analysis.

Do you know in which format I need to have 00-058-0661 card to install as an original database?

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (236k points)
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Unfortunately, there is nothing explained how to add an original database to the application. You will have to get in touch with the official developers to obtain additional support. There is a PDF manual available, but I couldn't find anything related to this procedure.

Tip: Use the Contact US button on the official website to get in touch with the developer.

Official website: http://www.panalytical.com/Xray-diffraction-software/HighScore.htm

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