Information about broadband connection.

–1 vote
asked by (250 points)
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I am getting a new broadband connection. I have a laptop. What should I buy to connect to the Internet? A modem or a wired/wireless router or a wireless router with modem? Actually I am unaware what to do for the broadband connection for the first time.

2 Answers

0 votes
No avatar answered by (14.7k points)

Broad band is a fatest internet service available. You are paying the ISP(internet service provider) for the data you use.

0 votes
answered by (264k points)

The ISP will always provide broadband connection through cable (LAN cable with RJ-45 jack). If they give you a modem, the connection will be the same (LAN or WLAN). In this case you can buy the following:

  • Wireless router which supports streaming the Internet all over the area

The router will provide Internet through cable or Wireless. The laptop features both technologies.

When they set up the Internet at home, you will see that they will also provide basic configuration to have the Internet ready.

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