Embedding a "true type" font in a .pub file

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asked by about greenstreet Publisher
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How can you embed a "true type" text font in a .pub document?

2 Answers

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answered by (180 points)

Assuming you're using MS Publisher:

MS Publisher – Font Embedding

  1. In the “Tools” menu, move the mouse pointer down to select “Commercial Printing Tools”, then select “Fonts…” in the little menu that opens to the right of it
  2. The Fonts dialog box will appear. Then:

check “Embed TrueType fonts when saving publication” check “Subset fonts when embedding” UNcheck “Do not embed common system fonts” (if it is checked) 3. Click OK, then save the file. Fonts are now embedded.

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No avatar answered by (193k points)
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Firstly, open the .pub document. From the File menu select Pack and Go, then select Take to a Commercial Printing Service. This option will allow you to include linked graphics, embed true-type fonts, create linked graphics from embedded fonts, or list fonts that cannot be embedded. After that, press Next, click Browse, and select a directory on your computer to save the file. Press OK, then Next, check the embed true-type fonts box, and once again click Next. Once the process is complete, press Finish.

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