Can Riki Tiki be used on a website to search thousands of WDoc and PDF files?

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Can Riki Tiki be used on a website to search thousands of WDoc and PDF files? Can I make my own drop down menu with it so that people can search for specific information (they will be searching thousands of syllabuses and I like to be able to have not only a key word search but also by subject matter)?

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered by

I'm afraid I'm more capable of design for a web site rather than development (lacking the necessary higher order coding skills);however, the link to the documentation you sent was very helpful indeed and very much appreciated. Linda

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No avatar answered by (329k points)

Riki Tiki is an open-source application. This means that you can use it for your purpose, but the features you've requested might not be available. Since you're into development, you can adjust the code to suit your needs. However, try to check the Documentation link before attempting any operation.

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