Is it really dangerous to have more than one antivirus installed?

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Is it really dangerous to have more than ne antivirus installed?

2 Answers

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No avatar answered by (9.6k points)

It's not necessarily dangerous, but it is not a good idea neither.

It is highly recommended to run only one antivirus at a time. Running more than one can considerably slow down and reduce the performance of your computer, or even worse (cause hangs, etc.). Program conflicts and false virus alerts are other potential risks.

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answered by

It is´nt dangerous, but it can give complications. better you install one off, and slatsh zhe other. A god for fre is - Microsoft Essential - it is direkly from the Homepage ( Douwnloadcenter ) of Microsoft to load douwn, and it work still and it gave to this ime never a coplication.


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