Bluestacks automatically downloads applications. How to stop this process?

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Bluestacks automatically downloads applications. How to stop this process?

12 Answers

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No avatar answered by (329k points)

To stop the automatic downloading, open Bluestacks then locate Play Store. Press the settings menu and disable Auto update apps. Set this option to Never and Bluestacks will stop downloading applications automatically. In fact this process is actually called updating. It updates installed applications when there is an update.

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that's just for auto update.

bluestacks has diff kind problem. it downloads new apps what we can't want. when I delete that apps , it download thm again... how can i stop it.

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dear, no word in apps store like "never" it's continue and continues auto download

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having the same issue as this one, i think i know what he/she means. the problem is not with updates/ auto updates. the problem is, bluestack keep downloading those app that i never want automatically and install them without my permission and knowledge, thus using my quota. whenever i check for app installed, there will be 3 or 4 apps which i never encountered before installed in it :( hates it.. i will just stop using bluestack until this is stopped

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I found the solution just change your Google/Gmail password so you will automatically logged out of Google play store. next time when you open Bluestack one pop up ask you to "enable app sync" never do that because that was the culprit application.

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Step 1: Open BlueStacks while your PC/Laptop is not connected to the internet. Step 2: Go to Settings/Apps Step 3: Select Running Apps Step 4: Stop all unwanted services such as Game-pop Home, AppCaster, Google services, especially Google Store, or any other such unwanted service.

Voila.! Now you can start your internet connection.

P.S. :- You have to repeat these steps every time you start BlueStacks. It'll take just a minute or so. And still if you get a notification of any unwanted game or application that starts downloading, you can follow the following steps:-

  1. Go to Settings/Apps/All.
  2. Search for the culprit (such as AppCaster, GamePop,etc)
  3. Select "Force Stop".

Done Deal.

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Go to apps setting and disable play store

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Install "App Master" from the Play Store. It has an advanced Auto-Start Boot manager. Just disable everything related to GamePop. Problem solved.

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Step 1: Open BlueStacks while your PC/Laptop is not connected to the internet. Step 2: Go to Settings/Apps Step 3: Select Running Apps Step 4: Stop all unwanted services such as Game-pop Home, AppCaster, Google services, especially Google Store, or any other such unwanted service.

Voila.! Now you can start your internet connection.

P.S. :- You have to repeat these steps every time you start BlueStacks. It'll take just a minute or so. And still if you get a notification of any unwanted game or application that starts downloading, you can follow the following steps:- 1.Go to Settings/Apps/All. 2.Search for the culprit (such as AppCaster, GamePop,etc) 3.Select "Force Stop".

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