Where can I download this application on my Android? It has been removed from Google Play?
Yes, 1000+ Free eBooks Reader has been removed from Google Play, but you can download and install it from the official web page. The latest version of the application is 1000+ Free eBooks Reader 2.4.0.
I got a new phone and I want to download this app but I can't find it anywhere. When I go to the website it says service closed. How do I get this app? I really want it!
I have the answer at last. download "1Mobile" (it seems to be like "Playstore") then search and download from there. Good luck
I would like to thank you for the tips on how we may be able to retrieve the ebook.
Thank you soo much! I really appreciate your help. Coz I was able to download beautiful and popular books then until they deleted it on google playstore.