Why can't videos be played on Winamp while the computer is super-duper slow?

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asked by (120 points) about Winamp
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8 Answers

+1 vote
No avatar answered by (236k points)
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0 votes
answered by (4.5k points)

asked Feb 6, 2014 by (140 points)
retagged May 1, 2014 by
Is Winamp an old program? It's not supported?
asked Feb 9, 2014 by (140 points)
edited Dec 5, 2014 by
Is Windows Media Player better than Winamp?
0 votes
No avatar answered by (460 points)

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answered by (260 points)

commented by (460 points)
thanks :-)
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answered by (360 points)

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No avatar answered by (680 points)

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answered by (1.3k points)

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answered by
 Must be the on scr keyboard debud transcript from nerd debug

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