Formatted SD Card Recovery Pro

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I accidentally formatted my SD Card and I want to use the Formatted SD Card Recovery Pro software to recover the data. I installed the software on my Windows 8 laptop, and after I started the program, it stopped at "Analyzing partition: 0%" and not moving at all. I tried with other SD Cards and this problem wasn't encountered. What can I do?

3 Answers

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No avatar answered by (77.9k points)
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In order to fix this issue, you can try swiping from the right side of the screen and in the search bar, type CMD. Right click on the resulted program and select Run as Administrator. After the CMD is opened, type attrib *.* X: -r -s -h /s /d where X: is the letter of your SD Card drive. After you did this, try again to recover your data. It should work.

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No avatar answered by (540 points)

You can use a professional data recovery tool, maybe you can have a try of DiskDigger, that can help you regain lost files from SD card. Recover files from SD card.

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No avatar answered by (1.5k points)

Googling 'Mac recover lost files SD card' brought up a lot ot programs and there are a few on the App store. One I tried did nothing, then the next - named something like 'uFlysoft Data Recovery' but longer - showed the missing files, dragged them onto the desktop and showed them in a slideshow and you could feel the tension level in the house dropping. if you are on a PC I am sure you will find similar programs.

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