On the bottom of this page there is a FAQ page created to help users like you, like me, etc. On the page you will see a question like How does the points system work?. Click on the question and it should expand automatically. Once it does that, read about the things you can do to increase the points.
Answers FAQ: http://answers.informer.com/faq
To better help you, I will paste the table here:
Posting a question: 20 points
Selecting an answer for your question: 30 points
Per upvote on your question: 10 points
Per downvote on your question: – 10 points
Max points earned from upvotes per question: 100 points
Max points lost from downvotes per question: – 30 points
Posting an answer: 40 points
Having your answer selected as the best: 300 points
Per upvote on your answer: 20 points
Per downvote on your answer: – 20 points
Max points earned from upvotes per answer: 200 points
Max points lost from downvotes per answer: – 50 points
Voting up a question: 10 points
Voting down a question: 10 points
Voting up an answer: 10 points
Voting down an answer: 10 points
Registering an account: 100 points