How to access Gallery Lock when "Stealth mode" is enabled? Please help me!
Unlock your screen and open up the dialer. Dial 3333, then you will enter the Gallery Lock's menu from where you can access all the settings and locked items.
Previous answer is older. New way to enter it is [ * + PIN + dial. ]
It is not working please do the needful. *+pin+ this only.i have kept my imp data plz help to open in a stealth mode
gallery lock stealth mode is not working not opning app
Go to Device administrator in your phone settings and click Activate. Then try ur password with a * in front.
It works. You people should buy me a treat. Bcos i got this perfect answer for you.
No. It didn't work Dude. Thanks for trying though.
Not recovering media files, how can I get it,